GUROBIASL Changelog#
Relinked with Gurobi 11.0
Added control solutiontarget
Adjusted to account for the fact that suf_sos() may change the number of range constraints
Relinked with Gurobi 10.0.0
Added controls networkalg, obbt and softmemlimit
Relinked with Gurobi 9.5.2, which contains bug fixes
Fixed spelling mistake in the -= output
Fixed control nlpheur
Relinked with Gurobi 9.5.1, which contains bug fixes
Fixed logical constraints names when writing problems using writeprob
Fix for poolignore not being considered for certain combinations of the parameter ams_mode
Minor changes to -= output
New suffixes sensrhshi2 and sensrhslo2 to capture solution sensitivity information for range constraints
Improved basis handling in multiple solves
Improved suffix sstatus report for range constraints
Update to Gurobi 9.5.
New keywords: cloudhost, presos1enc, presos2enc, nlpheur, worklimit, memlimit, liftprojectcuts, lpwarmstart
New input suffixes: poolignore, iisforce, iisforcelb, iisforceub, iisforce
New output suffixes on problem: concurrentwinmethod, maxvio, work, sensrhshi2, sensrhslo2
A bug that caused an incoming basis to be ignored when no constraints were in the basis.
Possible problem in the licencing routines for computer with many MAC addresses.
A bug involving a defined variable that references another defined variable and that is shared by two or more objectives or constraints.
Adjust the license check to be more robust when there are many solver threads.
Possible issue with unbounded rays computation.
Update to Gurobi 9.1.2, which contains many bug fixes.
Relink with ASL version 20210613 to fix a fault with indicator constraints.
Relink with Gurobi 9.1.1, which contains many bug fixes.
Update to Gurobi 9.1, which contains performance improvements and bug fixes.
New possible value (-1) to suffix lazy to specify pre-defined user cuts; there are some limitations on the functionality due to some bugs in the current version of the gurobi library.
Keywords integralityfocus, norelheurtime, norelheurwork (see “gurobi -=” for details).
Relinked with ASL 20201107, which contains various bug fixes.
[Windows] Relinked to avoid false positive reports from many antivirus.
[MacOS] Added support for older version of MacOS.
Fixed an error that was affecting the IIS retrieval of an unfeasible non-linear model . solved via nonconvex=2 and iisfind=1,
Fixed some alignment issues in the -= output.
Kappa suffix now returns real value.
Update to Gurobi 9.0.3, which has various bug fixes.
New keyword kappa (see “gurobi-=” for details).
Update to Gurobi 9.0.2, which has various bug fixes.
When “ams_stub=…” and “ams_mode=2” are specified and one solution is found, set npool = 1 (rather then 0).
Allow quadratic equality constraints when “nonconvex=2” is specified.
Update to Gurobi 9.0.0.
New keywords: bqpcuts, nonconvex, relaxliftcuts, rltcuts. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Relink to ignore any LOGWAIT keywords in the ampl.lic or ampl.netlic file.
Allow alternate MIP solutions to be written (when available) even if timelim is specified and is reached.
Relink to fix bugs with “objrep” when several objectives can be adjusted.
Relink to ignore HEARTBEAT lines in the ampl.lic file.
Adjust copyright text in “gurobi -v” output.
Update to Gurobi 8.1.
New possible value 2 for “preqlinearize”. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Fix possible trouble (e.g., a fault) when “objrep” causes one or more constraints, other then the last, to be removed.
For consistency with the cplex driver, add keywords poolgap, poolgapabs, and poolstub as synonyms for ams_eps, ams_epsabs, and ams_stub, respectively, and return in suffix npool the number of alternative MIP solution files written. These files have names obtained by appending “1.sol”, “2.sol”, etc., to ams_stub. Suffix npool is on the objective and problem. When ams_stub (or poolstub) is specified but ams_mode (or poolsearchmode) is not, assume ams_mode=2.
Update to Gurobi 8.0.
New keywords cloudpriority, partitionplace, server_insecure; withdrawn keyword: server_port. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Relink to fix a possible fault introduced 20171215.
Relink to fix possible trouble with quadratic objectives and constraints involving defined variables.
When multiobj=1 and there are several objectives, report the value of each objective in the solve_message.
Adjust treatment of multiobj=1 and its description. When asked to deal with multiple objectives, Gurobi apparently ignores the originally supplied objective, requiring it to be supplied a second time. Moreover, all objectives must be linear. An attempt to supply, say, a quadratic objective when multiobj=1 now results in new solve_result_num value 543. This update also fixes some possible (probably unlikely) trouble with quadratic objectives and constraints.
Update to Gurobi 7.5.
New keyword startnodelimit. When multiobj=1, objective-specific convergence tolerances and method values may be assigned via keywords of the form obj_n_name, such as obj_1_method for assigning a method value for the first objective.
Tweak so pool_* keywords should work when a suitable Gurobi Compute Server is available. New solve_result_num values 540, 541, 542 for trouble with Gurobi Compute servers.
Update to Gurobi 7.0.2, which has some bug fixes.
Relink to fix bugs converting
var o; minimize O: o; s.t. c: o = q(x);
minimize O: q(x);
where q(x) is quadratic. Linear and constant terms were sometimes mishandled.
Fix two bugs with “multiobj=1”.
Fix bugs setting solve_result_num values 101, 102, 103, 502, 524.
Add possible solve_result_num values 104 and 570.
Fix a fault that happened if bestbndstop or bestobjstop was reached and a solution was not available.
Fix a glitch with multiple objectives: the objective used was not transmitted (via the .sol file) to the AMPL session.
Add keywords miqcpmethod and premiqcpform. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Update to Gurobi 7.0.
New keywords: ams_mode, bestbndstop, bestobjstop, cloudid, cloudkey, cloudpool, degenmoves, infproofcuts, multiobj, multiobjmethod, poolsearchmode, poolsolutions. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Update to Gurobi 6.5.2, which has some bug fixes.
Fix a glitch with the Gurobi library accompanying the Linux binary.
Allow “serverlic” file to accept “computeserver” as a synonym for “server” and “password” as a synonym for “server_password”.
Update to Gurobi 6.5.1, which presumably has some bug fixes.
Try to give a better error message (than “invalid license”) when the Gurobi compute server is used and no license is available.
Replace solve_result_num value 600 with 405 or 415 (for interrupted with or without a feasible solution, respectively) and add new solve_result_num value 411, 412, 413 for iteration, node, and time limits without a feasible solution.
Relink to fix a bug with quadratic objectives or constraints with diagonal elements that sum to zero and whose rows contain nonzeros to the left but not to the right of the diagonal.
Fix a glitch with “warmstart”: the default and upper limit values were interchanged.
For Linux binaries, add the directory containing the binary to the library search rules.
Adjust message about Gurobi not handling free rows.
Update to Gurobi 6.5.
New possible values 2, 3, and 4 for keyword “warmstart”. See the “gurobi -=” output for details.
Relink to fix a bug with “objrep” when the problem has several objectives.
Relink to fix a fault with some quadratic objectives or constraints.
Relink to fix a bug with quadratic objectives and constraints in which cancellation causes fewer than the generic number of quadratic nonzeros.
Fix some possible trouble with a single-use license.
In Linux bundles, remove “gurobi” shell script and replace it with the former gurobix; the 32-bit Linux version remains at Gurobi 5.0.2. In gurbodi.doc bundles, update INSTALLING section of README.gurobi.
Update to Gurobi 6.0.4, which has some bug fixes. Gurobi no longer runs under Windows XP.
Update to Gurobi 6.0.3, which has some bug fixes.
Fix a bug with “objrep” on problems with quadratic constraints.
Fix a rarely seen licensing glitch.
Arrange to return iis_table (for symbolic names of .iis values) when returning an IIS that only involves constraints. Hitherto, iis_table was only returned when returning an IIS that involved some variables.
Correct description of keyword “threads”, which applies to the barrier algorithm as well as to MIP problems.
Add keyword “pool_distmip” for specifying how many machines from the server pool (if specified by pool_servers) should be used for solving each MIP instance.
Rework logic for suffixes absmipgap, bestbound, and relmipgap so .bestbound can be returned in more cases.
Update for Gurobi 6.0.2, which has some bug fixes.
When suffixes absmipgap, bestbound, and/or relmipgap are requested, return them (as the description of “return_mipgap” in the “gurobi -=” output says they should be) with infinite values if no integer feasible solution has yet been found. Expand the description of “bestbound” in the “gurobi -=” output.
Adjust MacOSX portion of README.gurobi.
Relink the MacOSX “gurobix” so it will find (without adjustments to $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) when both appear in the same directory.
When writeprob=… is specified and variable or constraint names are available (via option gurobi_auxfiles), pass them to Gurobi so they appear in the file or files written for writeprob keywords.
When server=… is specified, replay other option settings so they affect the new Gurobi environment.
Relink to fix a fault that was possible under unusual conditions.
Add scale=2 to the description of scale in the -= output.
Tweak to free some scratch memory on quadratic problems; should be invisible, aside perhaps from reduced memory requirements.
Updates for Gurobi 6.0.
New keywords:
lazy pl_bigm pool_mip pool_password pool_servers
See the output of “gurobi -=” for details.
On MIP problems, suppress returning a basis or solution sensitivities unless a feasible solution has been found. New option basisdebug: specifying basisdebug=1 restores the old behavior of trying to return a basis and/or solution sensitivities (if requested) even when the problem is infeasible or unbounded. Specifying basisdebug=2 causes the “basis” and “solnsense” keywords to be honored only if an optimal solution is found.
Relink macosx binary so licenses can consider both hostname and local hostname.
Fix a glitch seen only on a bizarre MS Windows system that got eror message “Bad LOCAL_MGR =” with a floating license. Only the MS Windows bundles are updated. If you have not seen the “Bad LOCAL_MGR” message, you do not need this update. With the updated gurobi.exe, invoking “gurobi -v” will show ASL(## 20140826).
Update to Gurobi 5.6.3, which has some bug fixes; “gurobi -v” should show “driver (20140508)”, and the updated downloads have names of the form gurobi..20140508..
Add “.rew” and “.rlp” to the possible suffixes used with “writeprob”.
Fix a glitch (possible fault) sometimes seen with objrep.
20140## 205#
Update to Gurobi 5.6.2, which has some bug fixes; “20140205” is the ASL date that “gurobi -v” should show.
Fix a glitch, probably introduced in version 20131003, that kept “cuts” from being recognized in $gurobi_options.
Fix a typo in the “gurobi -=” output: change “tuneparbase” to “tunebase” (twice, in the description of “tunebase”).
Add keyword “objrep”, which (as now shown in the output of “gurobi -=”) tells whether to replace
minimize obj: v;
minimize obj: f(x)
when variable v appears linearly in exactly one constraint of the form
s.t. c: v >= f(x);
s.t. c: v == f(x);
Possible objrep values: 0 = no 1 = yes for v >= f(x) 2 = yes for v == f(x) (default) 3 = yes in both cases
For maximization problems, “>= f(x)” is changed to “<= f(x)” in the description above.
Ignore case in MAC addresses during license checks (an issue rarely seen). When ending execution under a floating license, try to read a reply from the license manager to circumvent bug sometimes seen in MS Windows.
Update to Gurobi 5.6.
New keywords: disconnected, pool_mip, pool_password, pool_servers, pool_tunejobs, presos1bigm, presos2bigm. See the output of “gurobi -=” for details.
Fix a bug with ignoring SOS1 sets of one element (specified with .sosno).
Correct the descriptions of “aggfill” (default value) and “cutoff” in the “-=” output. When the objective is no better than cutoff, report “objective cutoff” rather than “cutoff reached”.
Work around a bug in Gurobi 5.5.0 that caused a fault when a valid ampl.lic file was not found. (This does not affect course licenses.)
Update to Gurobi 5.5.0.
New keywords: concurrentmip, feasrelaxbigm, impstartnodes, numericfocus, seed, server, server_password, server_port, server_priority, server_timeout, serverlic, tunebase, tuneoutput, tuneresults, tunetimelimit, tunetrials. For details, invoke “gurobi -=”.
Fix a possible fault, introduced 20120504 (for Gurobi versions >= 5), with problems having a dual initial guess but no incoming basis.
Fix an off-by-one error in the description of sos2 in the -= output.
Update to Gurobi 5.1.0, which has significantly improved performance on some MIP problems, but does not have a 32-bit Linux version. For now, the 32-bit Linux version remains at Gurobi version 5.0.2, but later it will be withdrawn.
Update to Gurobi 5.0.2, which has some bug fixes.
Relink to fix a fault on problems with nonlinear piecewise-linear terms; such problems now elicit an error message.
Relink to fix a glitch (possible fault) with problems having both nonconvex piecewise-linear terms and quadratic constraints. (If “gurobi -v” shows “ASL(yyyymmdd)” with yyyymmdd >= ## 20121101, then you have this bug fix.)
Fix a bug with problems involving both nonconvex piecewise-linear terms and range constraints. The adjustments for ranges were wrong, resulting in the error message “Index is out of range” or other trouble.
Relink macosx64 version in hopes of working with MacOSX versions as old as 10.4.
Add “version” keyword (a single-word phrase), which causes version details to be printed before the problem is solved.
Fix a glitch with discarding SOS1 sets of size 1 and SOS2 sets of size 2 when explicitly specified by suffixes sosno and ref (a bad idea – it is much less error prone to use AMPL’s <<…>> notation for piecewise-linear terms).
On MIP problems, when basis >= 2 (the default) and method >= 2 (explicitly specified in $gurobi_options), avoid an unnecessary barrier-solver call when trying to return the requested basis. Adjust the description of “method” and remove “rootmethod”, which went away in Gurobi 4.0.
Update to Gurobi 5.0.1, which has some bug fixes.
Fix a bug in providing a dual initial guess (when available from a previous solve) in problems with quadratic constraints. The bug led to the message “Index out of range for attribute ‘DStart’.”
Fix a typo in the “gurobi -=” output.
Fix a bug (fault) in supplying a warm start.
Update to Gurobi 5.0, which handles quadratic constraints and runs faster on some problems.
Adjust license-check in Linux versions for use with FreeBSD.
Update to Gurobi 4.6.1. No new functionality, but internal changes may affect performance on some problems.
Relink to fix a possible fault with piece-wise linear terms. Absent a fault, the bug was harmless.
Update to Gurobi 4.6.
New keywords for $gurobi_options are presparsity, priorities, sifting, siftmethod, and zeroobjnodes. Invoke “gurobi -=” for details.
Permit use of single-user licenses.
Relink the MS Windows gurobi.exe files so on systems that can use multiple threads, the solve times reported with, e.g., timing=1 will be summed over the threads used, as they are on other systems.
When processing ampl.lic, ignore new keywords for ampl.netlic. Some platforms remain at 20110928, as their binaries already ignore the new keywords.
Relink to fix a bug with piece-wise linear terms (introduced 20110920).
Add “method” as a synonym for “lpmethod”, and linke with Gurobi 4.5.1 libraries, which have some (obscure) bug fixes. Invoking “gurobi -v” will show driver version ## 20110907.
Fix trouble handling piecewise-linar terms ( <<…;…>> v) accidentally introduced 20110814 (in update to “20110728”).
Fix a glitch with sos=1 in $gurobi_options that prevented .sosno and .ref from being used in problems with only continuous variables.
Relink to permit a quoted “hostname” for MGR_IP in the ampl.lic file for a floating license.
Correct compilation of mswin64 gurobi.exe; yesterday’s version omitted new functionality for Gurobi 4.5.
Update to Gurobi 4.5.
Tweak license checker to correct a rare problem on MS Windows systems.
Fix a bug in handling problems with integer variables (including binary variables) and piecewise-linear terms: the wrong variables were likely treated as integer.
Fix a bug with “writeprob” that could occur in problems with piecewise-linear terms: a call on GRBupdatemodel() was missing, which could affect, e.g., a *.lp file specified by writeprob.
Mention “gurobi” in the “No license for this machine” message.
Set solve_result_num = 567 if the problem has complementarity constraints.
Fix a bug (introduced in adjustments for Gurobi 4) that sometimes caused the constant term in objectives to be treated as 0. This affected the objective value reported.
Update to Gurobi 4.0.