Mosek is a versatile linear, quadratic, quadratically constrained and conic optimizer that supports continuous and discrete variables. The framework used by the driver supports automatic reformulation for many expression types; the modeling guide can be found here.
[Read More] [Modeling guide] [Options] [Changes] [Download MOSEK]
How to use it#
ampl: option solver mosek; # change the solver
ampl: option mosek_options 'option1=value1 option2=value2'; # specify options
ampl: solve; # solve the problem
How to install using amplpy:
# Install Python API for AMPL:
$ python -m pip install amplpy --upgrade
# Install AMPL & solver modules:
$ python -m amplpy.modules install mosek # install MOSEK
# Activate your license (e.g., free or licenses):
$ python -m amplpy.modules activate <your-license-uuid>
How to use:
from amplpy import AMPL
ampl = AMPL()
ampl.solve(solver="mosek", mosek_options="option1=value1 option2=value2")
Learn more about what we have to offer to implement and deploy Optimization in Python.
At a glance#
Problem types:
LP, QP, QCP, conic programs (SOCP, exponential cones)
MIP, MIQP, MIQCP, mixed-integer conic programs
Features for all models:
Problem input
Model investigation
Dealing with infeasibility/unboundedness
Features for MIP models:
Model investigation
Solver options#
Full list of solver options:
Many solver parameters can be changed directly from AMPL, by specifying them as a space separated string in the option mosek_options
A list of all supported options is available here or can be obtained by executing the solver driver with the -=
command line parameter:
mosek -=
or from AMPL:
shell "mosek -=";
Solver options can have multiple aliases, to accomodate for different user types.
The main numenclature is given first in the -= output, then followed by aliases in brackets,
see for example the listing for lim:iter
lim:iter (iterlim, iterlimit)
Iteration limit (default: no limit).
The main numenclature contains a prefix (lim:
in this case) to help categorize and find the
options relevant to a context. To list only the options with a specific prefix (lim:
for this example),
mosek -=lim:
More details on solver options: Features guide.
Specifying solver options and solving a model#
After formulating the model in AMPL, execute the following to select Mosek as solver and pass the two options:
and outlev=1
option solver mosek;
option mosek_options "retmipgap=3 outlev=1";
Retrieving solutions#
The outcome of the last optimization is stored in the AMPL parameter solve_result_num
and the relative message in
display solve_result_num, solve_result;
Mosek solve result codes can be obtained by running mosek -!
or ampl: shell "mosek -!";
Solve result table for MOSEK 10.2.0
0- 99 solved: optimal for an optimization problem,
feasible for a satisfaction problem
100-199 solved? solution candidate returned but error likely
150 solved? MP solution check failed (option sol:chk:fail)
200-299 infeasible
300-349 unbounded, feasible solution returned
350-399 unbounded, no feasible solution returned
400-449 limit, feasible: stopped, e.g., on iterations or Ctrl-C
450-469 limit, problem is either infeasible or unbounded.
Disable dual reductions or run IIS finder for definitive answer.
470-499 limit, no solution returned
500-999 failure, no solution returned
550 failure: numeric issue, no feasible solution
For general information, see MP result codes guide.