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Options primalopt, dualopt, baropt, siftopt, netopt, bendersopt are now flags (e.g. they have to be set without a value)
CPLEX MP driver is now the default. To use the previous ASL-based driver set: option solver cplexasl;
option solver cplexasl;
Added many options available in the ASL driver
Notable changes with ASL driver:
Keyword ‘basis_cond’ is now ‘kappa’ and follows the standard MP implementation
Multiobjective optimization follows the MP standard implementation
Choosing solution algorithm for the LP problems or the initial MIP subproblem (formerly mipstartalg) now follows the same standard as other MP drivers: see alg:method in the -= output
Former option timing is now implemented through the corresponding MP feature. To print the number of available cores use tech:numcores.
Use MP feature tech:writemodelonly instead of writeprob + nosolve. Note that nosolve still applies when specifying writemipstart
Conversion of basis status for constraints depending on sense
Fix a problem that occured when reporting IIS
Removed some noise from console output
Option acc:_all
Useful to disable all reformulations (acc:_all=2), or force linearization (acc:_all=0).
Option cvt:prod
Controls reformulation of binary products into logical constraints.
Faster input of quadratic expressions.
Multi-objective emulator
obj:multi=2 forces emulation, even if MO natively supported.
Fixed a bug in the objective degradation suffixes .objasbtol, .objreltol.
Presolve division by constant, resulting in fewer constraints
Fix no-solution case in multi-objective emulator
All flat MP solvers support multi-objective mode (obj:multi=1), either natively, or via emulation.
Suffixes .objpriority, .objweight, .objabstol, .objreltol.
[BREAKING] Default intuitive handling of .objweight, see option obj:multi:weight, even when natively supported.
[BREAKING] Merged report_times and timing; they are now aliases, set the value to 1 to have basic info, to 2 to have more detailed info.
SOS constraints.
Fixed handling of SOS2 constraints created by AMPL as reformulations of PL expressions (option pl_linearize 1, default; set to 0 to use the solver’s native PL functions or MP linearization.)
option pl_linearize 1
Disallow repeated weights for SOS constraints (suffixes .sosno/.ref.)
Option report_times
Unused acc: options.
The constraint acceptance options acc:... for non-handled constraints are ignored (previously triggered error.)
Solve result codes.
List codes by running (solver) -!
[BREAKING] Standardized codes. Major changes:
100-199 (solved?) means solution candidate provided, but can be suboptimal/infeasible
300-349 means unbounded problem but feasible solution returned
400-449 means limit/interrupt but feasible
[BREAKING] sol:chk:fail returns code 150 (solved?)
Improved translation of SOCP constraints.
Options cvt:socp, cvt:socp2qc.
Compact solution check warnings
Fixed presolve of the power function #226.
Added fixed model for mip:basis
Added options:
alg:method and flags to choose the solution algorithm
mip:nodemethod to choose the algorithm used for MIP node problems
lp:solutiontype to choose if to use crossover to get a basis basis solution after barrier
Public beta; implemented most features in MP: model export, warm start, input and output basis, feasibility relaxation, multiple solutions, kappa, unbounded rays, IIS, return MIP gap, return dual bound
Native Model support:
continuous and integer variables
multiple objectives, quadratic objectives
linear and quadratic constraints, indicator constraints and PL functions
special ordered sets (type 1 and 2)
MP update: fixed graceful exit on Ctrl-C from AMPL in Linux and fixed issue with reading text-format NL files
Fixed a bug causing repeated names for auxiliary variables and constraints.
Option values can be assigned without ‘=’.
Changed default tolerance for strict comparisons to 0 (option cmp:eps, #102.)
Fixed a bug where equivalent conditional comparisons were not unified.
CPLEXASL Changelog