News & Events Archive#

Click on title links to view slides from conference presentations.

3-5 April 2022

INFORMS Business Analytics Conference, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization Inc. was a Platinum Sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area

Technology Workshop, Sunday, April 3, 3:00-4:45pm
Robert Fourer, Adding Optimization to Your Applications, Quickly and Reliably
1. A Guide to Model-Based Optimization
2. From Prototyping to Integration with AMPL

Technology Tutorial, Tuesday, April 5, 9:10-10:00am
Robert Fourer, Optimization in Your Toolchain: How AMPL is Making it Faster and Easier

13-15 March 2022

INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event
Robert Fourer attended from AMPL at this event

23-25 January 2022

INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA

24-27 October 2021

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA and online

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area

31 August-3 September 2021

OR 2021: International Conference on Operations Research, online UTC+2

Session WE-05, Software for OR: Modeling I, Wednesday, September 1, 16:00-17:20
Robert Fourer, New Connections to the AMPL Modeling Language: Spreadsheets and Callbacks: slides, video

23-27 August 2021

IFORS 2021: 22nd Conference of the
International Federation of Operational Research Societies, online UTC+9

Session TD-09, Modeling and Solver Interfaces, Tuesday, August 24, 14:00-15:40
Filipe Brandão, Robert Fourer, AMPL Solver Interfaces with Callbacks: slides, video
Robert Fourer, How Linear Programming Became Practical: slides, video

11-14 July 2021

European Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece and online

Session TD-53, Modelling tools I, Tuesday, July 13, 14:30-16:00
Robert Fourer, New Connections to the AMPL Modeling Language: Spreadsheets and Callbacks

Session TF-53, Modelling tools II, Tuesday, July 13, 18:30-20:00
David M. Gay, Progress on Functions in AMPL

7-13 November 2020

INFORMS Virtual Annual Meeting

AMPL Optimization was a Silver Sponsor of this event

Session TC64, Technology Tutorials, Tuesday, November 10, 14:00-14:30
Robert Fourer, Modeling, not Programming: Model-Based Optimization in AMPL: slides, video

Session WD43, Optimization Modeling Software, Wednesday, November 11, 16:30-16:45
Filipe Brandão, AMPL-Solver Interfaces with Callbacks: slides, video

28-29 September 2020

Conference of the EURO Working Group on the Practice of Operations Research, Berlin, Germany

18-22 May 2020

INFORMS Virtual Business Analytics Conference

AMPL Optimization was a Virtual Sponsor of this event

18 May 2020

MIP Workshop Online Edition

AMPL Optimization was an online sponsor of this event

6-9 January 2020

5th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Muscat, Oman

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event

Invited Presentation,
David M. Gay, Functions in AMPL

20-23 October 2019

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA

AMPL Optimization was a Silver Sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area

Session TD58a, Technology Tutorials [CC/Chelan 1], Tuesday, October 22, 14:00-14:45
Robert Fourer, Model-Based Optimization with AMPL: New Connections to Analytics Tools and Environments

17-19 September 2019

DecisionCAMP 2019, Business Rules and Decision Management Technologies, Bolzano, Italy

Wednesday, September 18, 15:45-16:20
Robert Fourer, Model-Based Optimization for Effective and Reliable Decision-Making

29 July-2 August 2019

ICSP XV, International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Trondheim, Norway

Modelling [R4], Friday, August 2, 10:55-11:20
David Gay, Forthcoming AMPL Updates And Possible Relevance To Stochastic Programming

23-26 June 2019

European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event and had a table in the exhibit area
Robert Fourer and David M. Gay represented AMPL at this event

Session MD-49, Software for optimization model building [L249], Monday, June 24, 14:30-16:00
Davi Doro, LaModAl: A Web Application for Collaborative Development of Mathematical Models in AMPL

Session TA-49, Software for optimization model deployment [L249], Tuesday, June 25, 8:30-10:00
Robert Fourer, Filipe Brandão, New Python Integration Features of the AMPL Modeling Language

Session TB-49, Software tools for optimization modeling and solving [L249], Tuesday, June 25, 10:30-12:00
David M. Gay, Update on Functions in AMPL
Ansuman Swain, Gautam Mitra, Christian Valente, A Visualization Tool for AMPL Using MDDB Features

Session WA-49, Software for large-scale optimization III [L249], Wednesday, June 26, 8:30-10:00
Christian Valente, Gautam Mitra, Ansuman Swain, Representation and solution of Stochastic Programming Formulations in AMPL

9-12 June 2019

INFORMS-ALIO Joint International Conference, Cancun, Mexico

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event and had a table in the exhibit area
Robert Fourer and Melinh Nguyen represented AMPL at this event

14-16 April 2019

INFORMS Business Analytics Conference, Austin, Texas, USA

AMPL Optimization Inc. was a Gold Sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area
Filipe Brandão, Robert Fourer, Melinh Nguyen, Martin Laskowski, and Bill Wells represented AMPL at this event

Technology Workshop, Sunday, April 14, 15:00-16:45, Room 303
Robert Fourer and Filipe Brandão, Adding Optimization to Your Applications, Quickly and Reliably
1. A Guide to Model-Based Optimization
2. From Prototyping to Integration with AMPL

Technology Tutorial, Monday, April 15, 15:40-16:30, Room 304
Robert Fourer and Filipe Brandão,
Model-Based Optimization + Application Programming = Streamlined Deployment in AMPL

Optimization Track, Tuesday, April 16, 10:30-11:20, Room 304
John V. Colias, Combining Choice Modeling and Nonlinear Programming to Support Business Strategy Decisions

6-8 January 2019

INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization will be attending this event

4-7 November 2018

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and has a booth in the exhibit area

Session MC70, New Advanced Deployment Features of Modeling Languages
for Optimization
[106B, West Bldg], Monday, November 5, 13:30-15:00
Robert Fourer, Filipe Brandão, New Programming Tools and Interfaces for Deploying AMPL Models

Session MD34, Vendor Workshop [223, North Bldg], Monday, November 5, 16:30-17:15
Robert Fourer, Filipe Brandão, Model-Based Optimization + Application Programming =
Streamlined Deployment in AMPL

12-14 September 2018

OR 2018: International Conference on Operations Research, Brussels, Belgium

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and has a booth in the exhibit area

__Session TA-5, Algebraic Modeling Languages [2c. Tokyo], Thursday, September 13, 9:00-10:15
Robert Fourer, Filipe Brandão, New Programming Interfaces for the AMPL Modeling Language

27-31 August 2018

CP 2018: International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Lille, France

_Tutorial, Tuesday, August 28, 14:00-15:00
_Robert Fourer, Model-Based Optimization: Principles and Trends

8-11 July 2018

EURO 2018: European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and has a booth in the exhibit area

_Session TD-57, Software for Optimization Modeling I [4D UPV 2.3], Tuesday, July 10, 14:30-16:00
_Filipe Brandão, Robert Fourer, Developing Optimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling in AMPL: Featuring Python and R APIs for a Quick and Easy Integration with Other Applications

_Session WA-57, Software for Optimization Modeling II [4D UPV 2.3], Wednesday, July 11, 8:30-10:00
_David M. Gay, Adding Functions to AMPL

_Session WB-60, Vendor Presentations [4D UPV B.5], Wednesday, July 11, 10:30-12:00
_Robert Fourer, Model-Based Optimization with AMPL: From Prototyping to Deployment

1-6 July 2018

ISMP 2018: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Bordeaux, France

AMPL Optimization has a table in the exhibit area

_New Developments in Optimization Modeling Software, Friday, July 6, 8:30-10:30
_David M. Gay, Adding Functions to AMPL

17-20 June 2018

INFORMS International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and has a table in the exhibit area

_Session MB-06, Invited Tutorial, Monday, June 18, 11:00-12:30
_Robert Fourer, Model-Based Optimization for Operations Research: Best Practices and Current Trends

15-17 April 2018

INFORMS Business Analytics Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and has a booth in the exhibit area

_Technology Workshop, Sunday, April 15, 15:00-16:45, Kent B
_Part 1, Model-Based Optimization, Plain and Simple
Part 2: From Formulation to Deployment with AMPL

_Technology Tutorial, Monday, April 16, 15:40-16:30, Falkland
_Robert Fourer, AMPL in the Cloud:
Using Online Services to Develop and Deploy Optimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling

Learn More >>

23-25 March 2018

INFORMS Optimization Society Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization is a sponsor of this event and will have a table in the exhibit area

_Invited Tutorial, Saturday, March 24, 8:30-10:00
_Robert Fourer, A Guide to Identifying Good Near-Optimal Formulations for Hard Mixed-Integer Programs

8-12 January 2018

U.S.-Mexico Workshop on Optimization and Its Applications, Huatulco, Mexico

_Invited Presentation, Tuesday, January 9, 18:50-19:25
_David M. Gay, Toward Conveniently Handling Bi-Level Optimization Problems

_Invited Presentation, Thursday, January 11, 10:05-10:40
_Robert Fourer, The Ascendance of the Dual Simplex Method: A Geometric View

19 December 2017

Symposium on Recent Trends in Operations Research and Data Science, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

21-23 December 2017

AFOR 2017: Advancing Frontiers in Operational Research / 50th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India, Kolkata

_Plenary Session at ISI, Tuesday, December 19
_Robert Fourer, Optimization Software and Systems for Operations Research: Best Practices and Current Trends

_Keynote Address at AFOR, Thursday, December 21, 11:15-12:00
_Robert Fourer, The Evolution of Computationally Practical Linear Programming

22-25 October 2017

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area

_Session MB69, Exhibitor Tutorials, Monday, October 23, 11:45-12:30
_Robert Fourer, Developing Optimization Applications Quickly and Effectively through Algebraic Modeling in AMPL

_Session TB74, INFORMS Computing Society Sponsored Session, Tuesday, October 24, 10:30-12:00
_Robert Fourer, Filipe Brandão, Christian Valente, Integrating Optimization Modeling with General-Purpose Programming for Efficient and Reliable Application Deployment

6-8 September 2017

OR 2017: International Conference on Operations Research
Berlin, Germany

AMPL Optimization Inc. was a sponsor and exhibitor for this event

_Session WB-02, Modeling Systems I, Wednesday, September 6, 11:00-12:30
_Robert Fourer, Cloud Strategies for Optimization Modeling Software

17-21 July 2017

IFORS 2017: 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Quebec City, Canada

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area
Robert Fourer and Melinh Nguyen represented AMPL at this event

22-25 May 2017

SIAM Conference on Optimization
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

AMPL Optimization was a sponsor of this event
David M. Gay and Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event

_Session CP9, Optimization Software, Monday, May 22, 16:30-18:10
_David M. Gay, Update on Expression Representations and Automatic Differentiation for Nonlinear AMPL Models

2-4 April 2017

Analytics 2017: INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization Inc. was a Gold Sponsor of this event and had a booth in the exhibit area
Robert Fourer, Melinh Nguyen, Martin Laskowski, and Paras Tiwari represented AMPL at this event

Technology Workshop, Sunday, April 2, 13:00-14:45
Robert Fourer and Emmanuel Marchal, _Adding Optimization to your Business: Fast Development and Dissemination with AMPL and QuanDec

Technology Tutorial, Monday, April 3, 14:10-15:00
Robert Fourer, AMPL in the Cloud: Using Online Services to Develop and Deploy Optimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling

15-17 January 2017

INFORMS Computing Society Conference
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL Optimization was represented at this event

2-5 January 2017

4th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Muscat, Oman

David Gay of AMPL Optimization gave an invited talk at this event

Invited Presentation,
David M. Gay, Revisiting Expression Representations for Nonlinear AMPL Models

13-16 November 2016

INFORMS Annual Meeting
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

AMPL had 5 representatives at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a booth in the exhibit area and sponsored the Exhibit Hall Networking Lounge

Session SB16, Algorithms for Stochastic Programming, Sunday, November 13, 11:00-12:30
Christian Valente, Gautam Mitra, Christiano Arbex Valle, Robert Fourer, AMPL Representation and Solution of Multiple Stochastic Programming Formulations

Session MD94, Software Tutorials, Monday, November 14, 16:30-18:00
Robert Fourer, AMPL in the Cloud: Using Online Services to Develop and Deploy Optimization Applications through Algebraic Modeling

Session TA19, Optimization Modeling and Beyond with a Focus on Practice,
Tuesday, November 15, 8:00-9:30
Robert Fourer, Building Optimization-Enabled Applications Using AMPL API

Session TD13, Software and Methodologies for (Nonlinear) Integer Programming,
Tuesday, November 15, 4:30-6:00 pm
Robert Fourer, Choosing A Solution Strategy For Discrete Quadratic Optimization

30 August-2 September 2016

OR 2016: International Conference on Operations Research
Hamburg, Germany

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had an exhibit table at this event

Session TB-09, Algebraic Modeling Languages, Thursday, September 1, 11:00-12:30
Robert Fourer, Cloud Services for Optimization Modeling Software

3-6 July 2016

EURO 2016: 28th European Conference on Operational Research
Poznań, Poland

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had an exhibit table at this event

Session TA-09, Modeling Software, Tuesday, July 5, 8:30-10:00
Robert Fourer, Cloud Services for Optimization Modeling Software

25 June-1 July 2016

ICSP 2016: XIV International Conference on Stochastic Programming
Búzios, Brazil

Victor Zverovich represented AMPL at this event

Thursday, June 30, 11:40-12:05
Victor Zverovich, Christian Valente, Robert Fourer, New Solver Interface Approaches for Stochastic Programming in AMPL

Thursday, June 30, 12:05-12:30
Christian Valente, Gautam Mitra, Cristiano Valle, AMPL Representation and Solution of Optimization Models under Uncertainty: an E-book

12-15 June 2016

INFORMS International Conference
Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Robert Fourer and Melinh Nguyen represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a booth in the exhibit area for this event

8-10 June 2016

APMOD 2016: Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling
Brno, Czech Republic

Robert Fourer of AMPL gave an invited talk at this event

Wednesday, June 8, 10:50-12:00
Robert Fourer, Cloud Services for Optimization Modeling Software

10-12 April 2016

INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

Robert Fourer, Victor Zverovich, and Melinh Nguyen represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. is a Gold Sponsor of this event and will have a booth in the exhibit area

Monday, April 11, 13:50-14:40
Robert Fourer, Developing Optimization Applications Quickly and Effectively with Algebraic Modeling

17-19 March 2016

INFORMS Optimization Society Conference
Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Robert Fourer of AMPL attended this event

4-8 January 2016

U.S.-Mexico Workshop on Optimization and its Applications
Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico

Robert Fourer and David Gay of AMPL Optimization gave invited talks at this event

Tuesday, January 5, 10:10-10:45
Robert Fourer, The Surprisingly Complicated Case of Convex Quadratic Optimization

Friday, January 8, 9:35-10:10
David M. Gay, Rethinking Expression Representations for Nonlinear AMPL Models

1-4 November 2015

INFORMS Annual Meeting
Phildelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Robert Fourer, David Gay, Melinh Nguyen, and Victor Zverovich represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a booth in the exhibit area for this event

Session MB79: Software Demonstrations, Monday, November 2, 11:00-12:30
Robert Fourer, Developing Optimization Applications Quickly and Reliably with Algebraic Modeling

Session MC19: Tools for Optimization Modeling, Monday, November 2, 13:30-15:00
Robert Fourer, The Surprising Difficulties of Supporting Quadratic Optimization in Algebraic Modeling Languages

1-4 September 2015

OR 2015: International Conference on Operations Research
Vienna, Austria

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a table in the exhibit area at this event

12-15 July 2015

EURO 2105: 27th European Conference on Operational Research
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a table in the exhibit area for this event

Session MA-18: Software for Optimization Modeling 1, Monday, July 13, 8:30-10:00
Robert Fourer, Building AMPL Models into Your Applications

Session MB-18: Software for Optimization Modeling 2, Monday, July 13, 10:30-12:00
Christian Valente, Developments in the AMPL Ecosystem

Session TA-9: Vendor Presentations 1, Tuesday, July 14, 8:30-10:00
Robert Fourer, Adding Optimization to Your Applications: Efficient and Effective Strategies Using Algebraic Modeling with AMPL

12-17 July 2015

22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

David Gay and Victor Zverovich represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. was a sponsor and had a table in the exhibit area for this event

Session TB12: Software Presentations, Tuesday, July 14, 10:20-11:50:
David Gay, Victor Zverovich, New Developments in the AMPL Modeling Language

Session ThF21: Software Tools for Optimization, Thursday, July 16, 17:30-19:00:
David Gay, Revisiting Expression Representations and Automatic Differentiation for Nonlinear AMPL Models

14-17 June 2015

CORS/INFORMS International Conference
Montreal, Canada

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. had a table in the exhibit area for this event

Session TA16: Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization Problems, Tuesday, June 16, 9:00-10:30
Janos D. Pinter, Victor Zverovich, The AMPL-LGO Solver for Global-Local Nonlinear Optimization: Key Features and Performance

1-4 June 2015

Mixed Integer Programming Workshop
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Robert Fourer represented AMPL at this event
AMPL Optimization Inc. was a sponsor of this event

18-22 May 2015

CPAIOR: 12th International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming
Barcelona, Spain

AMPL sponsorship of this event

12-14 April 2015

INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Track 10: Software Tutorials, Monday, April 13, 15:40-16:35
Robert Fourer, Victor Zverovich, Building AMPL Models into Your Applications

11-13 January 2015

14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference
Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Session 1E: Advances in Algebraic Modeling Systems, Sunday, January 11, 8:30-10:00:
Robert Fourer, Alternatives for Programming in Conjunction with an Algebraic Modeling Language for Optimization
Victor Zverovich, Automatic Reformulation of Second-Order Cone Programming Problems

9-12 November 2014

INFORMS Annual Meeting
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session SC56: Software Demonstrations, Sunday, November 9, 13:30-15:00:
Robert Fourer, Victor Zverovich, Building AMPL Models into Your Applications

Session MB08: Celebrating the Contributions of George Dantzig, Monday, November 10, 11:00-12:30:
Robert Fourer, The Origins of a Practical Simplex Method

Session MC46: Advances in MIP Modeling Systems, Monday, November 10, 13:30-15:00:
Robert Fourer, David M. Gay, Victor Zverovich, Conveying Logical Conditions to MIP Solvers through an Algebraic Modeling Language

2-5 September 2014

Aachen, Germany

AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session TA-21: Optimization Modeling II, Thursday, September 4, 8:15-9:45:
Robert Fourer, Alternatives for Programming in Conjunction with an Algebraic Modeling Language for Optimization

21-24 July 2014

11th Mixed Integer Programming Workshop
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event

13-18 July 2014

IFORS 2014: 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Barcelona, Spain

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

19-22 May 2014

SIAM Conference on Optimization
San Diego, California, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL table in the exhibit area

9-11 April 2014

APMOD 2014: International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling
Coventry, U.K.

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization is a member of the Program Committee and is organizing sessions on Optimization Modeling Languages and Software

30 March-1 April 2014

2014 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session MD11: Software Tutorials, Monday, March 31, 13:50-14:40
Robert Fourer, New AMPL Interfaces for Enhanced Development and Deployment of Optimization Models

6-8 March 2014

6th INFORMS Optimization Society Conference
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event
AMPL table in the exhibit area

Session TA-01: Large-Scale Problems, Thursday, March 6, 9:00-10:30
Robert Fourer, Strategies for “Not Linear” Optimization

6-9 October 2013#

Informs Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session MC29: Software Demonstrations, Monday, October 7, 13:30-15:00

Session TD08: Constraint Programming III, Tuesday, October 8, 16:30-18:00

16-20 September 2013#

CP 2013: 19th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Uppsala, Sweden

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Workshop on CP Solvers: Modeling, Applications, Integration, and Standardization, Monday, September 16, 15:00-15:25

3-6 September 2013#

OR 2013: International Conference of the German and Dutch OR Societies, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

AMPL sponsorship of this event

29 July – 1 August 2013#

4th International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Caparica, Portugal

Session Thu.A.23: Extending the Power and Expressiveness of Optimization
Modeling Languages,
Thursday, August 1, 9:00-10:30

8-12 July 2013#

13th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Bergamo, Italy

Solvers for Stochastic Optimization, Wednesday, July 10, 10:45-12:50

Computational SP Including Risk Management and Energy Applications, Thursday, July 11, 14:00-16:25

  • Gautam Mitra, Victor Zverovich, Christian Valente,
    Formulation and Solver Support for Optimisation under Uncertainty

1-4 July 2013#

EURO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Rome, Italy

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session TB56: Optimization Modeling I, Tuesday, July 2, 10:30-12:00

Session WB9: Sponsor Presentations, Wednesday, July 3, 10:30-12:00

18-22 May 2013#

CPAIOR 2013: 10th International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming, Yorktown Heights, New York, U.S.A.

Late Breaking Abstracts, Wednesday, May 22, 16:00-17:00

7-9 April 2013#

INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Track 11: Software Tutorials, Monday, April 8, 13:50-14:40

6-8 January 2013

13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference

Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Conference theme: Modeling and Analytics for the Real World

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization is the stream chair for
Modeling Languages and Systems.

Optimization Modeling: Alternative Interfaces, Sunday, January 6, 16:30-18:00

Optimization Modeling: Algebraic Languages, Tuesday, January 8, 16:30-18:00

“Logic” and Constraint Programming Extensions#

22 October 2012: The AMPL language has been extended in a variety of ways to take better advantage of constraint programming and mixed-integer programming solvers that deal directly with “logic” in constraints of various kinds. Among these extensions are basic logical operators (and, or, not, exists, forall), conditional operators (if ... then ..., ==>), counting operators (count, atleast, atmost), and operators that facilitate so-called global constraints (alldiff, numberof).

Many of the extended operators are recognized by a new AMPL driver for the ILOG Concert Technology C++ interface to the IBM ILOG CP constraint programming optimizer and also the IBM CPLEX mixed-integer programming optimizer. This driver is available to all registered CPLEX for AMPL users including academic and trial license users.

See our new logic extensions page for a syntax and usage summary of all of the extended operators recognized by the new ilogcp driver.

Free Extended Function Library#

22 October 2012: A new, free function library extends AMPL with over 300 functions chosen from the GNU Scientific Library. Included are scientific, statistical, and utility functions of many kinds, and a variety of random number generators.

Once installed and declared, these functions may be applied to any arguments anywhere in an AMPL model or script. When applied to variables in objectives or constraints, they are sent to solvers, which automatically gain access to them. Thus solvers that rely on function evaluations can optimize over expressions that use this library.

Xpress for AMPL Now Available#

15 October 2012: FICO Xpress version 23 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, directly from AMPL Optimization. A complete, udpated Xpress option listing details settings for access to all of the Xpress solver features. With this addition, we now offer a choice among all of the best MIP optimizers; free trials are available for benchmarking.

14-17 October 2012

INFORMS Annual Meeting

Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

**AMPL booth in the exhibit area
**Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization has organized 3 sessions on Advances in Optimization Modeling Languages and Systems

Session SA15: Software Tutorials, Sunday, October 14, 8:00-9:30

Session SD72: Advances in Optimization Modeling Languages and Systems I, Sunday, October 14, 16:30-18:00

  • Jared Erickson and Robert Fourer,
    Automated Conversion of Common Optimization Problem Structures to Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

4-7 September 2012#

OR 2012: International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society, Hannover, Germany

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Invited Talk, to be scheduled

AMPL Book Chapters Now Free Online#

28 August 2012: We are pleased to announce that chapters of “AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming” are now freely available for download. This offering became possible through a recent agreement with the book’s publisher, who will continue to make hardbound books available for purchase.

19-24 August 2012#

21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Berlin, Germany

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization has organized 3 sessions on Modeling Languages and Software

Modeling Languages and Software I, Thursday, August 23, 10:30-12:00

23-27 July 2012#

6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.

Poster Presentation 5

8-11 July 2012#

25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session WD-33: Optimization Modeling II, Wednesday, July 11, 14:30-16:00

24-27 June 2012#

INFORMS International Conference, Beijing, China

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Session TB20: Software Tutorials, Tuesday, June 26, 11:00-12:30

Victor Zverovich Joins AMPL Optimization#

1 June 2012: AMPL Optimization is pleased to welcome Victor Zverovich as the newest member of the AMPL team. Victor’s skills will play a key role in the development of the next generation of AMPL products.

Victor is a specialist in mathematical optimization. In 2011 he completed his PhD in Mathematics at Brunel University, UK. His main research interests are stochastic programming and algebraic modeling languages. During and after his PhD Victor worked at OptiRisk Systems on a stochastic programming solver, stochastic extensions to AMPL and an integrated development environment for those extensions. Victor has a first class honors degree in Mathematics from Belarusian State University and many years of software development experience.

Gurobi 5.0 for AMPL Now Available#

15 May 2012: Gurobi version 5.0 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, both directly through us and from Gurobi Optimization. This version adds support for quadratic constraints and a variety of performance enhancements. Accounts that are up-to-date on Gurobi for AMPL maintenance and support service can download this major update immediately; other should contact for information.

CPLEX 12.4 for AMPL Now Available#

15 May 2012: IBM ILOG CPLEX version 12.4 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, directly from AMPL Optimization. Accounts that are up-to-date on CPLEX for AMPL maintenance and support service can download this significant update immediately; other should contact for information.

April 15-17, 2012#

INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research, Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Track 22: Software Tutorials, Tuesday, April 17, 10:30-11:20

March 28-30, 2012#

APMOD 2012: International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling, Paderborn, Germany

AMPL sponsorship of this event

February 24-26, 2012#

4th INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Coral Gables, Florida

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Session SB01: Software for Optimization Modeling, Saturday, February 25, 10:30-12:00

2 December 2011#

Gurobi Optimizer Solutions Seminar, Tokyo, Japan

Invited presentation, Friday, December 2, 13:20-14:35

29-30 November 2011#

International Symposium on Mathematics of Logistics: Theory and Practice, Tokyo, Japan

Invited presentation, Tuesday, November 29, 11:00-12:00

13-16 November 2011

INFORMS Annual Meeting

Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session SB03: Optimization Software, Sunday, November 13, 11:00-12:30

Session TC10: Software Demonstrations, Tuesday, November 15, 13:30-15:00

6-8 September 2011#

OR53: Annual Conference of the OR Society, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Track 11: Optimisation Keynote, Thursday, Sept 8, 14:00-15:00

6 September 2011#

Very Large Scale Optimization: A Conference in Honor of Etienne Loute, Brussels, Belgium

Invited presentation, Tuesday, September 6, 14:45-15:30

30 August – 2 September 2011#

OR 2011: International Conference on Operations Research, sponsored by the German, Austrian, and Swiss OR societies, Zurich, Switzerland

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session TC-22: Advances in Modeling Languages, Thursday, Sept 1, 11:30-13:00

10-15 July 2011#

IFORS 2011: 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Melbourne, Australia

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session MC-7: OR Software, Monday, July 11, 16:15-17:45

CPLEX 12.3 for AMPL Now Available#

12 June 2011: IBM ILOG CPLEX version 12.3 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, directly from AMPL Optimization. Those who have purchased earlier versions from us can also arrange to download this update; contact if you need to set up a download account.

23-27 May 2011#

CPAIOR 2011: 8th International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization, Berlin, Germany

AMPL sponsorship of this event

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization will be attending.

16-19 May 2011#

SIAM Conference on Optimization, Darmstadt, Germany

AMPL sponsorship and booth in the exhibit area

David Gay of AMPL Optimization will be attending.

Gurobi 4.5 for AMPL Now Available#

15 April 2011: Gurobi version 4.5 for linear, mixed integer, and quadratic programming is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, both directly through us and from Gurobi Optimization. Those who have purchased earlier versions from us can also arrange to download this update; contact if you need to set up a download account.

10-12 April 2011#

INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Workshop: Ziena Optimization, Sunday, April 10, 9:10-10:00

Track 19: Software Tutorials, Tuesday, April 12, 12:45-13:10

9-11 January 2011#

12th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Monterey, California, U.S.A.

Bob Fourer of AMPL Optimization will be attending.

4-7 January 2011#

CMIC-2011: Chiang Mai University Intl Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Workshop, Tuesday-Wednesday, January 4-5

Keynote presentation,

18-19 November 2010#

85th GOR Working Group on Real World Optimization:
Modelling Languages in Mathematical Optimization, Bad Honnef, Germany

Developer presentation, Friday, November 19, 09:15-10:15

7-10 November 2010#

INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

INFORMS Roundtable: OR in the Cloud, Sunday, November 7

Session SA18: Optimization Modeling, Sunday, November 7, 8:00-9:30

  • Barry King and Terri Friel,
    Class Rostering at Roosevelt University using AMPL and LPsolve

Session SD48: Exhibitor Presentations, Sunday, November 7, 16:30-18:00

Session MC33: Algorithms & Solvers for SOCP & Stochastic SDP, Monday, November 8, 13:30-15:00

Session MD18: Modeling Languages II, Monday, November 8, 16:30-18:00

Session TC40: Solver Interface APIs I, Tuesday, November 9, 13:30-15:00

KNITRO 7.0 for AMPL Now Available#

13 October 2010: KNITRO version 7.0 for nonlinear optimization in continuous and integer variables is now available for purchase with an AMPL interface, both directly through us and from Ziena Optimization. Those who have purchased earlier versions from us can also arrange to download this update; contact if you need to set up a download account.

26-28 September 2010#

What a Pivot: Workshop Honoring the 65th Birthday of Bob Bixby, Erlangen, Germany

Presentation, Monday, September 27

Purchase CPLEX for AMPL Directly From Us#

15 September 2010: CPLEX for linear, quadratic, and mixed-integer programming has joined the lineup of AMPL-enabled solvers available for purchase directly from AMPL Optimization LLC. Version 12.2 is currently shipping. Contact us at for pricing on single-user, floating, and server licenses. Full-featured trials are also available.

1-3 September 2010#

OR 2010: German OR Society Annual International Conference, Munich, Germany

Semi-plenary presentation, Wednesday, September 1, 13:30-14:15

16-20 August 2010#

SP XXI: 12th International Conference on Stochastic Programming,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

AMPL table in the exhibit area

Session RB2: Solution Algorithms for Stochastic Programming,
Thursday, August 19, 10:00-11:40

  • Christian Valente,
    Extensions to the SP Modelling System SPInE/SAMPL

Session RC4: Software and Modelling Tools for Stochastic Programming I,
Thursday, August 19, 13:20-15:00

11-14 July 2010#

EURO XXIV: 24th European Conference on Operational Research,
Lisbon, Portugal

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Session MC21: Optimization Modeling I, Monday, July 12, 12:20-13:40

  • Robert Fourer and David M. Gay,
    Attacking Hard Mixed-Integer Optimization Problems Through the AMPL Modeling Language

  • Andreas Grothey, Jacek Gondzio, Marco Colombo, Kristian Woodsend and Jonathan Hogg,
    A Structure-Conveying Modelling Language for Mathematical and Stochastic Programming

Session TB21: Optimization Modeling V, Tuesday, July 13, 10:40-12:00

  • Alexandra Newman,
    Efficient Mixed Integer Programming Formulations in Energy and Mining

Session WD35: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problem-Specific Approaches, Wednesday, July 14, 14:00-15:20

  • David M. Gay,
    On Bound Computations for MINLP

6-9 June 2010#

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina

AMPL table in the exhibit area

Session TB08: Modeling Languages for Optimization, Tuesday, June 8, 11:30-13:00

Session WC08: OR in Practice III Modeling, Wednesday, June 9, 13:20-14:50

18-20 April 2010#

INFORMS Conference on OR/MS Practice, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

AMPL booth in the exhibit area

Track T9: Software Tutorials, Monday, April 19, 15:40-16:30