Optimization Models by Fabio Schoen#

Optimization Models by Fabio Schoen is an e-book on modeling techniques for Operations Research. A new book on the art of modeling optimization problems. This text was used in the “Optimization and Data Science for Management” course, Master degree in Management Engineering at the University of Florence.

  • Free version available on-line.

  • Printed Book available on Amazon.


Optimization is the tool for good decision making or, to be more precise, for good decision support. In order to be able to suggest rational and effective decisions the Operations Research scientific community have offered courses, developed methods, analyzed theoretical aspects of optimization. However I feel there is still a wide gap which separates academic research from day to day adoption. And, in my opinion, part of this is due to the lack of sufficient modeling skills. If we cannot model a problem, no matter how sophisticated our optimization algorithm are, we will not be able to solve it nor suggest any decision. We need to communicate our problem to a solver. And to do this we need a deep knowledge of models.

Modeling is a creative skill, which is best learned by doing; however, especially for more advanced models involving integer variables or graph theory, modeling practice should be paired with a deep theoretical knowledge, if we wish to be able to solve large scale problems.

This book has been written with this in mind. It was born from many years of teaching modeling mainly to Management and Computer Science Engineers. The book has an on line web based version, which is freely available and will be the subject of future modifications and additions.

Table of Contents#



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  title     = {Optimization Models},
  author    = {Schoen, Fabio},
  year      = {2024},
  publisher = {Self-published},
  isbn      = {979-1221052633},
  note      = {417 pages}